NEUF 2013 „Investments in Low-Emission Energy”

21 June 2013 (Friday)

IX International Conference NEUF 2013
  "Investments in Low-Emission Energy" 

21 June 2013, 8h30, Ministry of Economy, „Pod Kopułą” conference hall
Warsaw, pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5

For nine years already we have been organising events aimed at developing optimal solutions for the development of the Polish energy sector and its financing. This time, on behalf of Procesy Inwestycyjne, with the support of the Public Board for Development of Low-Emission Economy and the Polish Banks Association, we have the pleasure of inviting you to the next conference in the series, which will focus on investment possibilities in low-emission economy. The discussed topics will include nuclear power, conventional energy, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency of the country. The discussion will also cover the forecasts and needs of the Polish energy sector until 2020, and the investment potential of state-owned energy companies and the Polish financial sector. The conference is going to be attended by prominent politicians, presidents and board members of financial institutions, and managers of Europe's leading energy companies.


Below are selected questions and issues which will be discussed at the conference:

  • What is the investment plan for the Polish energy sector?
  • What is the investment potential of the Polish financial sector and state-owned energy companies?
  • Financing of investments in the power sector: new challenges, old problems? Can everything be financed? - estimated feasibility analysis
  • Legal and systemic regulations enabling investment in smart energy infrastructure

The conference will be followed by an open meeting of the Public Board for Development of Low-Emission Economy, which will include a presentation of the programme of low-emission economy development in rural areas, and a special panel devoted to macroeconomic outlook of low-emission economy’s financing in Poland.

To this part of the conference, the following guests have been invited:

  • Janusz Piechociński, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy
  • Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, Prime Minister in 1991, Chairman of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister from 2010
  • Prof. Witold Orłowski, Member of the Economic Council
  • Stanisław Kluza, Finance Minister in 2006, Chairman of the Supervisory Commission in 2006-2011
  • Stefan Kawalec, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance in 1991-1994, Director General in the Ministry of Finance in 1989-1991



Content patronage:






The conference is co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management


Firma Procesy Inwestycyjne i Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Efektywności ETA organizują konferencje i debaty, występując o patronat Społecznej Rady ds. Rozwoju Gospodarki Niskoemisyjnej oraz kierując się merytorycznymi wskazówkami Prezydium i członków Rady, każdorazowo uzgadniając  programy.