About Us


We provide strategic knowledge to our partners which helps them achieve success
in sustainable development


Innovative, low-emission economy in Poland by 2030  


Knowledge for the development


Since its establishment in 2003, Procesy Inwestycyjne sp. z o.o. (Ltd) has been active in respect of organization of projects, consulting and strategic communication campaigns oriented primarily towards the energy, gas, industry, construction and IT sectors, as well as towards local authorities.

The ability to work with such a broad range of topics is attributable to use of modern management methods. Thus the firm encompasses teams put together on a competence basis and cooperates with many leading experts and organizations.  These include:

  • The European Commission;
  • The European Parliament;
  • The Ministry of the Energy;
  • The Ministry of the Environment;
  • The Ministry of Development;
  • The Polish Energy Regulatory Authority;
  • The Confederation of Polish Employers;
  • The Public Board for Development of Low-emission Economy.

One of the results of such cooperation is the Act on Energy Efficiency, which was passed by the Polish Parliament in December 2010 into the Law. The Act being the first such legislation in Central-and-Eastern Europe, imposes an obligation upon companies selling electricity, natural gas and heat in respect of the possession and redemption of white certificates. During the years 2008-2009 the team of Procesy Inwestycyjne has worked together with the Ministry of Economy whilst preparing Terms of Reference as well as Secondary Acts for this legislation. This cooperation was continued in 2013 and included preparation of an update of the Act on Energy Efficiency.

The scope of areas that the company focuses on in its consulting issues  is extremely broad, encompassing:

  • The implementation of the Energy and Climate Package;
  • Development of energy efficiency;
  • Aspects of energy policy and their influence on the efficiency of the Polish economy in light of globalization;
  • Low energy and passive housing;
  • Distribution of low emission electricity generation:
    • Renewables
    • Cogeneration
  • Prosumer, cooperative and communal energy subsectors;
  • Highly efficient use of fossil fuels (coal, gas).

Strategic communication and public affairs