NEUF 2012

29 June 2012 (Friday)

VIII International Conference
NEUF 2012  New Energy User Friendly

„National Programme for Development of  Low-Emission Economy”
29th June 2012 9.00 am, Ministry of the Economy, Warsaw

Poland turns to the green side of the force – its transformation from high to low-emission model seems inevitable. There is no doubt that this reform will be a real challenge. Most importantly, however, this reform should be implemented in a systematic manner that will bring tangible effects.

Poland aims at implementing the EU climate and energy package. Proposals made by the Public Board for the National Programme for Emissions Reduction need to be taken into account in this process in order to achieve the above mentioned goal. The White Paper, document elaborated by a panel of experts in the field of energy and economy, presents a realistic programme of emissions reduction in Poland. It will be developed into National Programme for Development of Low-Emission Economy. This year, similarly as in previous years, the conference will be accompanied by Public Hearing of the Presidium of the Public Board of the National Programme for Emissions Reduction, during which experts will present guidelines to the National Programme for Development of Low-Emission Economy. Meanwhile the main part of the conference will focus on legal, economic and technical issues which have a strategic influence on development of low-emission economy based on environmentally friendly technologies. Our speakers will also discuss issues related to prosumer solutions in energy generation. Experts from the energy sector will present realistic scenarios of necessary investments. Decision-makers will focus on climate strategy for Poland in the context of CO2 emissions reduction (including real estimates on potential new green jobs related to planned investments in RES). European Commission representatives will explain how strict requirements on emissions reduction will influence priorities of the energy policy of the EU. Representatives of Polish government will present climate strategy for Poland in the context of EU CO2 emissions reduction requirements till 2050. The conference will be composed of discussion panels chaired by journalists and will focus on the following topics:

- Does the low-emissions economy model guarantee durable sustainable development in particular countries of the EU?

-  Which energy mix to chose in Poland taking into account climate requirements and energy demand – scenarios 

- Development of dispersed energy sources – should it be the main economic goal for Poland?

 As speakers of the conference and Public Hearing of the Public Board for the National Programme of Emissions    Reduction we invited experts from respective sectors, decision-makers, scientists and businessman, among others:

Waldemar Pawlak, Wiceprezes Rady Ministrów, Minister Gospodarki, Marcin Korolec, Minister Środowiska, prof. Jerzy Buzek, Przewodniczący Społecznej Rady Narodowego Programu Redukcji Emisji, dr Janusz Steinhoff, Wiceprzewodniczący Społecznej Rady NPRE, dr Dariusz Ledworowski Społeczna Rada Narodowego Programu Redukcji Emisji, Beata Jaczewska, Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Środowiska, Zbigniew Kamieński, Wicedyrektor Departamentu Rozwoju Gospodarki, Marek Woszczyk, Prezes Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki, Jacek Piekacz, Dyrektor ds. Regulacji i Relacji Zewnętrznych EDF Polska, dr Bartosz Wojszczyk, Dyrektor Zarządzający, Globalny Rozwój i Strategia, GE Energy, Sylwester Śmigiel, Przewodniczący FREE, Prezes Zarządu GASPOL, Janusz Moroz, Członek Zarządu, RWE Polska, Marek Walczak, Prezes Urzędu Dozoru Technicznego, prof. Andrzej Kraszewski, Zakład Informatyki i Badań Jakości Środowiska PW, Społeczna Rada Narodowego Programu Redukcji Emisji, były Minister Środowiska, prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Sekretarz Generalny Społecznej Rady NPRE, Maciej Zajdel, Prezes Zarządu IVG, Jacek Szymczak, Prezes Zarządu Izby Gospodarczej Ciepłownictwo Polskie, Maciej Stańczuk, Prezes Zarządu, Polski Bank Przedsiębiorczości, Jan Rączka, Prezes Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska, Zbigniew Szpak, Prezes Zarządu, Krajowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii, Krzysztof Bolesta, Główny Doradca Ministra Środowiska, dr inż. Marek Maniecki, Wiceprezes Zarządu, Globema, Herbert Leopold Gabryś, Przewodniczący Komitetu ds. Polityki Klimatyczno-Energetycznej Krajowej Izby Gospodarczej








