VI International Conference POWER RING 2010 –
The Central and Eastern European Regional Energy Market
20 December 2010, 8:30 – 13.00,
Ministry of Economy, Council Chamber, pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5, Warsaw
We would like to invite you to the sixth edition of our cyclical conference devoted to topics relating to the European energy market. This year, we will focus on key topics of relevance to the Central and Eastern European regional energy market.
In connection with this, we would like to take on the topic of the mechanisms and laws regulating the regional energy market. During this session, we will discuss points connected with the security of supply and strategic planning, monitoring and market integration, as well as potential mergers and acquisitions.
We hope that during next session relating to transmission and distribution systems, we will be able to tackle such issues as the planning of operational systems, the crossover between distribution activity and transborder connections, as well as connected commercial issues and tariffs.
The third part of our meeting will be devoted to the topic of renewable energy sources, gas market and intelligent energy systems. We believe that we will be able to find answers to questions relating to the impact of low-emissions, dispersed energy sources on transmission networks and the security of supply. We will also discuss the real context of the development of modern technologies and possibilities for their integration in the current energy system.
We would like to conclude the conference the discussion which will be devoted to topics including European market regulations, incentives for investors, international coordination and cooperation on the energy market and future investments in infrastructure, as well as visionary concepts for modern energy systems.
On the Polish side, we have extended invitations to: Jan Bury - Secretary of State, Ministry of the Treasury, Bernard Błaszczyk – Undersecretary of State, Ministry of the Environment. The participants of the conference will include high-level managers, directors, experts, lawyers, representatives of scientific circles and of non-governmental organisations and institutions.
We would be delighted if you could join us.