Challenges related to the greenhouse gases reduction, means the need of searching for low-emission technologies, in particular non-emission ones. The range of possibilities is quite narrow - renewables, nuclear energy, clean coal technologies, improving energy efficiency.
There is a strong need for making a quick decision about WHAT, WHEN and TO WHAT EXTENT we will have to introduce in to the Polish market, to keep it competetive and efficient.
We are about to face the risk of losing the energy potential, visible by introduction of system turn-offs, spontanuous black outs, what would cause decrease of all economy production, inflation and political difficulties. Among the 3 questions, the least recognised is the one: WHEN? For objective reasons, the above solutions cannot at the same time bring measurable effects and cause emissions reduction. Each of them has different time needed for introduction and development.
We could invest in increasing carbon potential, like also develop particulalry promising renewables as wind, geothermal, solar, water energy, biomass, biogas from the waste collections, etc. Another alternative is a nuclear energy. Its huge positive is a lack of emission and safety, however its supporters have to battle for political and social acceptation. Some of the problems relate to transport and storage of the nuclear waste and threat of terrorist attacks.
We cannot forget that all the solutions need huge investments in instalations, power plants, IT systems, service, promotion and many others. How could we solve the problems so?
Among presenters invited are:
Professor Kazimierz Piotr Zaleski - honorary guest
- Zbigniew Kamienski - Energy Department Director, Ministry of Economy;
- Mikolaj Budzanowski - Climate Changes and Sustainable Development Department Director, Ministry of Environment;
- Ami Rastas - expert TFO Finland
- Leszek Karski- National Environment Protection and Water Management Fund;
- PhD Andrzej Kassenberg - President of the Board, Institute for Ecodevelopment;
- Piotr Wisniewski - President of the Polish Chamber of Renewable Energy ;
- Professor Jerzy Niewodniczański - President of the State Atom Agency;
- Krzysztof Konaszewski - President of the Renewable Energy Association;
- Pawel Urbanski - President of the Board, Polish energy Group S.A.
The Debate will be conducted by Professor Krzysztof Zmijewski - Chairman of the Polish Independent Energy Consultancy Board. The meeting will have a shape of a discussion based on short presentations of the guests invited.