Chances for Execution of the Energy and Climate Package (and consequences of failure to do so)

13 July 2010 (Tuesday)

Dear Sirs,
We would like to present you information from the seminar:

Chances for Execution of the Energy and Climate Package
(and consequences of failure to do so)

13 July 2010, 11:00; PAP Press Centre, Bracka 6/8, Warsaw

One of the main aims of the EU climate policy is combating global warming, as demonstrated by the assumptions of the Energy and Climate Package and legal acts combating climate change that have been elaborated by the governments of EU member states. Poland is committed to implementing the obligations set out in the Package, but work on the legislative side has only just begun. It is therefore vital that a public debate be held in respect of the shape of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions bringing to life the EU Energy and Climate Package, and – what’s more – that discussions take place in respect of the final provisions of the Polish Climate Change Act.

A response to this need is provided in the Chances for Execution of the Energy and Climate Package (and consequences of failure to do so) seminar. This is a continuation of the two-phase open consultations on desired provisions of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions, which were started during the IV International Conference NEUF 2010 – New Energy User Friendly „Public Consultations on the Roadmaps of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions.”

Topics discussed during the seminar included the provisions to be drafted in to documents prepared by the Consultancy Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions, which is part of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions. The material was subjected to a comparative analysis in relation to reduction and adaptation-related solutions (both at a legislative and executive level) that are being prepared or have been adopted in other countries. The result of the seminar is practical synthesis of all of the materials presented during the meeting, taking into account the specific characteristics of the Polish economy and legal environment. Representatives of the government, experts, beneficiaries of these solutions that deal with the practical aspects of implementing the above solutions will discuss their specific aims, cost structure, current estimates in respect of potential savings, possibilities for additional financing of investments, and will confront their solutions with Polish alternatives. There will also be a question-and-answer round during which key issues and questions will be addressed.

The aim of the seminar is to indicate desired solutions taken from overseas legal systems and to identify areas of specific importance for Poland, which require special reflections and unique decisions. The intent of the organizers of the seminar is to create an opportunity for comparative analysis of solutions and problems diagnosed in the context of Poland, on the basis of solutions adopted in the EU and US.

Invited speakers:

  • prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Secretary General of the Public Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions
  • prof. dr hab. Tomasz Żylicz, Vice - Chairman of the Working Group for Energy and Climate Package, Public Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions; Director of the Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, University of Warsaw
  • Maciej M. Sokołowski, Executive Director, Office of the Public Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions
  • Wojciech Stępniewski, Project Manager of „Climate and Energy”, WWF Polska
  • dr Arkadiusz Węglarz, Secretary of the Working Group for Energy Efficiency, Public Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions; Director for Sustainable Development, KAPE
  • Daniel Borsucki, Chief Engineer for Media Management, Katowicki Holding Węglowy SA
  • Zbigniew Michniowski, Vice-President of Energy Cities, Deputy Mayor of Bielsko-Biała
  • Henryk Kaliś, President, Forum for Electricity and Gas Consumers
  • prof. Richard Ciach, President of the Foundation for the Development of Solar Energy, Private Higher School of the Environment in Radom

Seminar programme >>>

