Mechanisms and regulation of the Polish and European electricity market

30 September 2010 (Thursday)

Dear Sirs,
We would like to present you information from the debate:

Mechanisms and regulation of the Polish and European electricity market
30 September 2010 (Thursday), 11.00 a.m.,
Seat of “Polityka”, ul. Słupecka 6, Warsaw

Please note that the place of the debate has changed.

The debate will take place in Seat of “Polityka”, ul. Słupecka 6, Warsaw

The meeting will be devoted to issues relating to the national and European electricity market.


The most important tasks and challenges for the Polish economy and energy policy is establishment of an appropriate regulatory and market environment allowing for deep pro-climate transformation of the Polish energy sector. With this is mind, we would like to focus attention above all on the role of the regulator and possibilities for making market mechanisms relating to energy trading more efficient, and will discuss the position of the Energy Regulatory Authority as an institution responsible for promotion of competition in the energy sector and regulation of the fuel and energy markets.

We will also discuss issues relating to introduction of legal solutions that will in a beneficial and positive way abolish formal and bureaucratic limitations blocking the development of the energy market, thereby ensuring greater consumer protection and resolution of the problem of the dominating position of energy companies with significant state capital. To conclude, we will then turn attention to the paradoxical situation whereby on the one hand energy prices are similar to the EU average, whereas on the other they are some of the highest in relation to end users. The above situation is not beneficial either for energy end users or generating entities. When discussing these issues and others, we will also consider the market mechanisms that should be implemented in order to optimise costs, open investment markets and raise the competitiveness and energy security of Poland whilst simultaneously protecting the natural environment.

In the context of the European market, the debate will relate to integration of the markets of specific member states (market coupling), as well as cross border connections, which – if non-existent or insufficient – significantly slow down economic growth.

We have invited experts from scientific and political circles, who deal on an everyday basis with development of the energy sector in a manner that is compatible with the characteristics and potential of the Polish economy, to participate in the conference.

The experts invited to take part in the discussion include:

  • Marek Woszczyk, Vice-President of the Energy Regulatory Authority;
  • Tomasz Dąbrowski, Director of the Energy Department, Ministry of the Economy;
  • Marcin Zieliński, Director of the Ownership Control and Privatisation Department III, Ministry of the State Treasury;
  • Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel, President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection;
  • Marek Zieliński, Member of the Polish Parliament, Public Finance Commission, Economy Commission;
  • prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Secretary General of the Public Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions;
  • prof. Eugeniusz Toczyłowski, Chairman of the Working Group for Market Issues, Public Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions;
  • Grzegorz Onichimowski, President of the Management Board, Towarowa Giełda Energii SA;
  • dr Ryszard Śnieżyk, independent expert.