17 November 2011 (Thursday)

Invitation to the debate


17 November 2011 (Thursday), 11.00 am
Seat of Polityka, Słupecka 6, Warsaw

In the context of internal electricity market the EU focuses on promoting anti-trust solutions. Competition on the market guarantees multiplicity of sale offers, tailored to the consumer’s needs both in terms of product and price. One of major factors that facilitates its development is proper structure of the energy market itself. On a competitive market companies struggle for leadership and bigger share which increases transparency and level of sales.  Despite all changes that have taken place in recent years, Polish market is still far from being efficient and competitive.

Nowadays the anti-trust solutions in Poland are only limited to transfer of energy market to the Stock Exchange. The obligation to execute sales and purchases on the Polish Power Exchange mobilized  many customers to search for new suppliers and thus made the price shaping process more transparent.  Thanks to this the customers know the whole-sale price per energy unit which facilitates negotiations with the suppliers. The energy producers, however, are not willing to share their profits with the customers by reducing prices. The official statistics published by the Energy Regulatory Office show that only 10 000 customers of all tariff groups have decided to use their legal right and change their supplier. Nevertheless, there are signs of improvement. At the end of January 2011 the number of customers changing their supplier rose by almost 540 % compared to December 2009. The remaining 1700 constitute individual customers.

The Polish Power Exchange is not the only one mechanism that allows for increasing competitiveness on the energy market. However, lots need to be done before measurements like IRP, demand management, time of use or flexible tariffs will be introduced. In the meantime the Energy Regulatory Office stated that from 2012 on it will publish a road map as to liberalization of the gas market. It will mean that ERO will not longer regulate prices for gas in Poland. It will start from industrial customers whereas prices for individual users will still be regulated fro some time until the new measurements are accustomed to the new market model, enriched by new suppliers.

We have the pleasure to invite you to the open debate that should answer the question of how can we increase the competitiveness of the Polish energy market

In the debate will take part:

  • Tomasz Świetlicki, Head of the Regulation of Energy Market Division, Ministry of Economy
  • Zofia Janiszewska,  Deputy Director in the Department of Competitiveness Promotion, Energy Regulatory Office
  • Grzegorz Onichimowski, President of the Polish Power Exchange
  • prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Secretary General of the Polish Board of the National Programme for Emissions Reducation
  • Janusz Moroz, Vice Chairman of the Board, RWE Poland
  • Marek Kulesa, Office Director of the Association of Energy Trading
  • Tomasz Sikorski, Director of Department of Operator Services,  PSE Operator
  • Paweł Rokicki, Association of Polish Consumers

We would be delighted if you could come.

Participation in the debate is free of charge. Number of places is limited, interpretation is not provided.
In order to register please send in the filled in registration form to till 14.11.2011.

To obtain additional information about the debate please contact Ms. Anna Krawczyk,, (004822) 424 82 00.







