Workshop entitled „Local balancing - implementation possibilities in Poland”

19 November 2015 (Thursday)

Workshop entitled „Local balancing - implementation possibilities in Poland”

19.11.2015, Warsaw

Registration for the  participation in the workshop : HERE

 “Energiewende” in Germany is flourishing, and its objectives and plans are being implemented. The rapid development of prosumer energy and energy cooperatives also confirms that the power sector is undergoing a transformation.

As a continuation of last year's activities aimed at expanding expert experience in the field of challenges related to the implementation of prosumer energy in Poland, on 26 October 2015 a special study trip to Karlsruhe and Walldorf, Germany, was organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Germany and with the involvement of Distribution Companies and the IT sector. The aim of the visit was to present the activities of our western neighbour in the field of local balancing.

We believe that the discussion during the workshop will focus on the near future of the power sector in the low and medium voltage segment. Therefore, using the German experience we would like to develop solutions optimally adjusted to the conditions in Poland.

The issues to be discussed in the workshop include e.g.:

  • technical solutions necessary for the implementation of local balancing,
  • virtual power plants’ participation in the balancing mechanism,
  • IT and communication tools – opportunities and limitations,
  • energy storage,
  • the role of DSO.

Among persons invited to the event are representatives of the regulator and the distributor, and entities participating in the trip.

  1. Jerzy Dudzik, Director of the System Management Department of PSE, PSE SA;
  2. Edward Słoma, Deputy Director, Energy Department, the Ministry of Economy;
  3. Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk, Business Development Director – Utilities, GLOBEMA;
  4. Andrzej Szymański, President of the Board, Landis Gyr;
  5. Andrzej Słodczyk, Vice-President of the Board, ATENDE;
  6. Bartłomiej Mroczek,Head of Development and Innovation dep. at PGE Dystrybucja,
  7. Grzegorz Nowaczewski, President of the Board, Virtual Power Plant;
  8. Adam Olszewski ,Head of Innovation ENERGA Operator,
  9. Filip Kowalski, Director, Utilities and Natural Resources, SAP Central and Eastern Europe;
  10. Patrick Wrobel, Fraunhofer Institute;
  11. Bolesław Mostowski, SDZP Project Coordinator, Procesy Inwestycyjne;


Further information on the debate is available from Ms Barbara Gacia at:e-mail:, tel. 609 250 800





