Invitation to a duo-debate

24 May 2013 (Friday)

Invitation to a duo-debate

A. Pro-Investing Modification of the Certification System
Biomass Co-Firing Prospect

MAY 24th, 2013, Headquarters of “Polityka” weekly magazine, ul. Słupecka 6, Warsaw

Building low-emission power industry is a great challenge for both politicians and entrepreneurs. Politicians should establish legal regulations that make it possible to build modern and low-emission power industry while entrepreneurs should take investment decisions compliant with those regulations. At present, investors who have already taken actions (invested) in favor of low-emission power industry, renewable energy sources and high-performance cogeneration are very anxious.  Ultimately, the certification system should support the implementation of the energy policy (and not support any specific technology). It ought to optimize development costs and mitigate regulatory risk.

One of the biggest controversies that appeared during the preparation of the renewable energy sources act concern the support for co‑firing coal with biomass. During the debate we and experts invited will try to answer the key question: What kind of co‑firing is worth promoting within sustainable development of our country? According to environmentalists, sustainable use of biomass means that “freed resources” of biomass (until now burnt in obsolete coal boilers) might be redirected to local heat production in decentralized dedicated pellet and energy boilers.   That would make it possible to further develop bioenergy industry in Poland and to create new jobs not only as far as the biomass production is concerned but also with respect to the production of high‑performance boilers which may replace high‑emission obsolete and inefficient coal furnaces. According to the data of the Institute for Renewable Energy (IRE) the sustainable scenario of biomass usage in distributed systems would save ca. PLN 8 billion by 2020 within the whole support system for renewable energy sources (RES). Indirect beneficiaries of the scenario might include about 700 thousand local investors.

It is also necessary to consider opinions of the investors who equipped their power units with installations that allow to burn biomass and coal together.  The investors have hoped for stabilization of legal regulations regarding system support to produce so‑called green energy from co‑firing.   What ultimate model for energy production based on co‑firing should be like? We believe that our debate will provide an answer to that question.

In the first module of the debate, together with experts invited we will outline the market situation and will try to present possibilities to improve the certification system so as to make it an actual instrument to promote and carry out investment projects and so as to make customers paying for “green energy” aware that with their money they co‑finance the development of renewable and low‑emission energy industry. The second module of the debate will focus on co‑firing issues and on attempts to establish standards for sustainable co‑firing.


The invitees in the duo-debate will include:

  • Jerzy Pietrewicz, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy
  • Marek Woszczyk, President of Energy Regulatory Office
  • Tomasz Dąbrowski, Director of Energy Industry Department, Ministry of Economy
  • Janusz Pilitowski, Director of Renewable Energy Department, Ministry of Economy
  • Edward Słoma, Deputy Director of Energy Industry Department, Ministry of Economy
  • Andrzej Czerwiński, Head of Parliamentary Team in charge of Energy Industry
  • Marian Strumiłło, Vice-President of Dalkia Polska
  • Ireneusz Łazor, President of the Management Board of TGE
  • Jacek Piekacz, Director in charge of Regulatory Issues, EDF Polska
  • Grzegorz Szymczak, President of the Management Board of EDP Polska
  • Arkadiusz Kosiel, Director in charge of Regulatory Issues and Tariff Management, Fortum Power and Heat Polska
  • Mariusz Grochowski, President PGNiG Termika S.A.
  • prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Secretary General of the Social Council for Low-Emission Economy Development


For more details regarding the debate please contact Beata Czarkowska, Procesy Inwestycyjne Sp. z o.o., tel. 722 102 300, email:

The debate is organized within actions regarding strategic communication focused on social education within the scope of promoting key solutions for Polish economy that are necessary to implement sustainable economy mechanisms.


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