Innovative mechanisms on the European and competitive energy market

24 October 2012 (Wednesday)

Invitation for the debate 

How to facilitate functioning of the energy market and supply missing powers in the electro-energy system
- Innovative mechanisms on the European and competitive energy market

24 October 2012, 11.00 a.m., Seat of „Polityka”,  Słupecka 6, Warsaw

National Programme for Development of Low-Emission Economy shall address the most important tasks that Poland faces nowadays. After the stage of analysis and diagnosis specific recommendations for the Ministry of Economy should be elaborated. According to obligations specified in the Lisbon Treaty as to energy solidarity, all steps taken should have an European dimension. The European energy market also faces important challenges. Firstly, it should secure its external security by means of coordination of energy purchase from non-EU countries, for which the European Commission has already elaborated adequate solutions. Secondo n the agenda is creation of common energy market, liquidation of energy islands and common access to resources in emergency.  The Council of Europe has already accorded that in 2014 construction of the common energy market and trans-border connections should be finished. Meanwhile pessimistic scenarios that had been put forward by some market analysts, are becoming reality – states the Energy Regulatory Office  in its annual report. According to the report black-outs caused by lack of power may become tangible risk after 2015 (Poland is obliged to shut down old energy production plants of 6500 MW till 2015). The risk will increase especially in time of power plants conservation or severe weather conditions. This scenario shall come true as large energy companies will not make it time to launch new power plants and modernize its distribution networks. New plants can be launched only in 2018-2020. By this time we can face power shortage, especially that power consumption is forecasted to rise by 1.5% per year. 

During the debate we will focus on actions that will allow to equilibrate the energy balance till 2015. According to many experts launch of common energy market from 2014 and development of trans-border connections shall be a remedy for lack of new investments in power production in Poland. Most of the planed investments in trans-border connections shall be located on the borders with Lithuania and Germany. All conditions considered, we should stress the possibility to transfer electric energy from our Eastern neighbors and  increase funds for investments in this field. In the future energy market in those countries shall function within the framework of common European energy market. Development of inter-system connections shall constitute a perfect way for Poland to purchase electric power for a lower price. Potentially Poland could import electricity from Ukraine and Byelorussia, which dispose of power surplus and offer 1 MWh price lower by 20-40 zł.  As a result of economic crisis, especially on Ukraine, demand for electricity among industrial consumers has fallen dramatically. All those factors could facilitate energy import from the East, the main obstacle however, still remains underdeveloped  network of trans-border transmission infrastructure.   

We invite to the debate, whose main objective is to initiate open, public discussion over the issues mentioned below. 

We anticipate participation of following speakers:

  • Marek Woszczyk, President of the Energy Regulatory Office
  • Tomasz Świetlicki, Chairman of the Energy Market Regulation Department, Ministry of Economy
  • Henryk Majchrzak, Chairman of the Board, PSE Operator
  • Ireneusz Łazor, Chairman of the Board, Polish Power Exchange
  • Henryk Kaliś – President of the  Chamber of Industrial Energy and Energy Recipients
  • Prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Secretary General of the Public Board for Development of Low-Emissio Economy
  • Representatives of energy groups, energy trading companies, large recipients of electric energy

Topics for the debate:

  • Securing supply to the largest recipients of energy till 2015
  • Creation of regional energy market that would encompass Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarussia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Gerany (common power exchange)
  • Does the current, dominant model of trans-border electric power Exchange secure competitiveness.
  • Idea of creation of the energy bridge Poland – Lithuania
  • Is it real to trigger off Rzeszów-Chmielnicka 750 kV connection between 2015?
  • Evolution of energy market in the direction of competitiveness and consumer protection development?
  • Tariffs and market competitivness
  • Development of energy market in the direction of active impact od demand (AMI/AMR)