08 July 2009 (Wednesday)
How and whether we should execute the obligation of ensuring the appropriate participation of RES in the heat balance

8 July 2009, 11:00 a.m.
PAP Press Centre, ul. Bracka 6/8, Warsaw
The Energy and Climate Package adopted by the European Commission has set out the requirement for there to be 15% participation of RES in the final energy balance by 2020. In addition, we must achieve this participation in electric energy, transport fuels (in this case we have the requirement of achieving 10% participation of RES in the sub-sector) and in the heating sector. If we were to follow these guidelines to the letter, the energy balance would need to encompass 4% of „green" energy from the electric energy sector, 2.1% from transport and 5.4% from the heating sector. 

The problem is that we do not know how to achieve this in practice. It seems particularly difficult to execute this goal in the context of heat energy, which is (remarkably!) extremely diversified and rather specific in Poland (network heat, individual heat - coal, gas, oil). In order to achieve the 3 x 20 goal, we must „greenify" at least 10.4% of the overall heat balance, which definitely does not seem simple.
For this reason, a strategic challenge for the economy is to find efficient means of increasing the participation of RES in the heating sector. A worrying and thus far unknown problem is the extremely relevant and key issue, in terms of execution of the aims of the Package and the Polish national energy policy, of whether the heating sector should carry out restructurisation. Perhaps the right solution would be to prepare special systems awarding and motivating suppliers of „green" heat? Or maybe we can achieve the "15%" by decreasing use of heat? Will energy efficiency solve our problems?

The aim of the debate is to highlight the issue, defines its scope and attempt to find an effective solution.
The following experts have been invited to participate in the debate:
  • Bernard Blaszczyk, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of the Environment;
  • Henryk Majchrzak, Director of the Energy Department, Ministry of the Economy;
  • Professor Krzysztof Zmijewski, Secretary General of the Independent Consultancy Council of National Programme for Reduction of Emissions;
  • Boguslaw Regulski, Vice-President of the Board, Cieplownictwo Polskie Chamber of Commerce;
  • Adam Milczarczyk, Vicepresident of the Board, EDF Polska Sp. z o.o.;
  • Jan Raczka, President of the Board, The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
  • Wieslaw Wojcik, President of the Board, The Polish Economic Chamber of Renewable Energy;
  • Krzysztof Muller, Vicepresident of the Board, RWE Polska Contracting Sp. z o.o.;
  • Grzegorz Wisniewski, President of the Board, Institute for Renewable Energy;
  • Bogusław Jarmuz, Member of the Management Board, Technical Director, PGE Zespół Elektrowni Dolna Odra S.A.;
  • Ryszard Gajewski, President of the Board, The Polish Chamber of Biomass.

The debate was chaired by Marina Coey, President of the Management Board, Procesy Inwestycyjne Sp. z o.o.

The meeting took the form of a discussion based on short presentations by invited guests.
Participation in the debate was free of charge.                            

There are presentations , which were shown by experts during the debate Green Heat:

  • prof. Krzysztof Zmijewski, Secretary General of the Independent Consultancy Council of National Programme for Reduction of Emissions >>>                 
  • Boguslaw Regulski, Vice-President of the Board, Cieplownictwo Polskie Chamber of Commerce >>>
  • Krzysztof Muller, Vicepresident of the Board, RWE Polska Contracting Sp. z o.o. >>>
  • Grzegorz Wisniewski, President of the Board, Institute for Renewable Energy >>>
  • Ryszard Gajewski, President of the Board, The Polish Chamber of Biomass >>>

