Energy Policy of Poland – priorities of the energy sector

08 February 2012 (Wednesday)

Invitation for the debate

Energy Policy of Poland – priorities of the energy sector

8th February 2012 (Wednesday), 11.00 am
Polityka , Słupecka 6,  Warsaw

European Union prepared ‘Energy Road Map 2050’, a strategic document that sets goals for European energy policy. By the year 2050 the share of renewable energy in the energy mix should account for at least 40%, whereas energy efficiency shall increase by 30-40%. These goals constitute a great challenge for Poland in terms of realization of investments in the energy sector. Poland lacks energy strategy that would be consistent with European goals. It can be noted already now that number of new investments has decreased considerably. Moreover, Polish economy may be influenced by the European climate Policy to a greater extend than post-industrial economies of the old Member States, mostly due to high-emission energy production. Thus Poland needs new energy policy that would not only be in line with the European strategy but will also take into account development of national energy potential and sustainable development of domestic economy. According to experts it should involve the National Programme of Low-Emissions Economy Development prepared by Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Environment.

Are the goals of Polish Energy Policy 2030 being met? Is it necessary to elaborate a new execution plan for the horizon after 2012? What would be the final version of ‘ Polish Energy Package’ and when will it be implemented? Will the Act on Renewable Energy Sources offer proper support system for investors? What will it offer to the industrial, most energy-consuming customers? Will extensive bureaucracy dominate the system of white certificates supporting energy efficiency? What are the real possibilities for development of nuclear energy in Poland in the light of catastrophe in Fukushima and opposition of Germany? Will the government win public opinion support for extraction of shale gas? When will regulations favoring investments in prosument energy production finally take shape?

We tried to find answers to the above mentioned dilemmas in an open discussion. In the debate took part:

  • prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Secretary General of the Polish Board of the National Programme for Emissions Reducation
  • Zdzisław Muras, PhD, Director of Department of Energy Enterprises,  Energy Regulatory Office
  • Henryk Majchrzak, PhD, President of the Board, PSE Operator S.A.
  • Maciej Bukowski, PhD, President of the Institute for Structural Research
  • Janusz Piechociński, Member of Parliament
  • Grzegorz Onichimowski, President of the Board, Polish Power Exchange
  • Andrzej Szymański, President of the Board, Landis Gyr


To obtain additional information about the debate please contact Ms. Anna Krawczyk, , (004822) 424 82 00.