Debate Championship Finals

29 January 2009 (Thursday)

Championship Finals" - will we win €1,7 bln or lose €2,8 bln?
Perspectives as to energy-related investments in 2009-2020




  29 January 2009, 11.00 a.m.
Polish Press Agency (PAP), ul. Bracka 6/8, Warsaw

Poland achieved undeniable success in relation to the new EU-ETS directive during the European Council session on 11-12 December 2008, in particular as regards the area connected with negotiated derogation and the quota of allowances that are to be granted free of charge, according to a benchmark. However, it is only now that we will be faced with the decisive clash, i.e. the necessity of choosing an appropriate energy-efficient means of development that will contribute to considerable reduction of CO2 emissions and development of the efficiency of the energy sector and the economy in general.

The balance of an average annual level of profits of € 1,7 bln  is calculated on the basis of the assumption that energy generation will increase by 0,69% yearly, with 20% participation of energy from renewable sources of energy and an annual increase in efficiency of over 2%. Staying on the "business as usual" path will cause an increase in the level of electricity generation in 2020 from 164 TWh to 256 TWH, which in Polish reality means an additional 70-73 mln tonnes of CO2 and therefore an additional burden of € 2,8-2,9 bln. As a result, instead of showing a profit of €1,7 bln, we will generate a loss of € 1,1 bln. This shows the extent of additional and unnecessary costs that the Polish economy may have to bear.
Poland has already won its "chance for success'. Now much depends on whether income to the State budget will support energy efficient investments or energy intensive consumption. In order to win the ‘championship finals', extensive modernization of the national energy policy will need to be effected, including initiation of key new programmes and elaboration of new solutions and legal regulations.          
Guests invited to participate in the debate include:
  • Marcin Korolec - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of the Economy;
  • dr Piotr Serafin - Undersecretary of State, Office of the Committee for European Integration;
  • dr Mariusz Maciej Swora - President, Energy Regulatory Authority;
  • Janusz Steinhoff - Expert, DGA S.A.;
  • Andrzej Sikora - President, Institute of Energy Studies;
  • Tomasz Troniewski - Senior Manager, AT Kearney;
  • Tomasz Zadroga - President of the Board, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.;
  • Janusz Moroz - Member of the Management Board responsible for Sales, RWE Poland S.A.;
  • Janusz Bil, Market Regulation and Development Director, Vattenfall Poland.

The debate will be chaired by Prof. Krzysztof Zmijewski, President of the Independent Energy Consultancy Board and Coordinator of the Green Effort Group.

The meeting will take the form of a discussion based on brief key note speeches by invited guests.