CO2: negotiations turningpoint need, challenges for Poland

11 July 2008 (Friday)

11 July 2008, 11:00 AM 

the Polish Press Agency, 6/8 Bracka, Warsaw

The debate will be attanded by:

Olaf Kopczyński - 2nd Secretary of the Permanent Polish Representation by the European Union, Main CO2 Negotiator

Prof. Jerzy Buzek - Member of European Parliament

The European aim is currently to become the World Leader in limiting the CO2 emission. That is why the Climate Change and Energy Package (3x20) has been created. The Polish authorities agree with the idea of the Package and the need for battling climate changes.

However the way of achieving the goals proposed by the EC can prove to be difficult for us. Proposed mechanisms will have negative impact on all the economy, in particularly on the level of citizens life. Could we find any solution? EC should modify their fixed position and allow the states with more carbonised economies some extra time. Without this, some of the member states economies could be destroyed (by energy prices rise by up to 100%). We have the right to expect that fundamental rule of the EU, which is equal share of liabilities related to the EU regulations, regarding the power of certain economies. On the other hand it is necessary to introduce the action for awareness increase and efficient energy use, in which developing new IT solutions could help. Competiton when purchasing the emission rights will be huge. The Polish authorities cannot withdraw from the battle for changes and must gain some lesson for future. The Polish Economy and Government should act together and work out a common position. The organised debate is a try for conducting a broad nationwide consultation in the area of among others economical, social and political consequences for Poland and other new EU member states (UE 12); e.i. increase of 'low' emission, carbon leakage, unemployment, emigration, etc.

The debate will be attended by:

  • Zbigniew Kamienski - Energy Department Director, Ministry of Economy;
  • Mikolaj Budzanowski - Climate Changes and Sustainable Development Department Director, Ministry of Environment;
  • dr Mariusz Maciej Swora - President of the Board, Energy Regulation Office;
  • Wojciech Jaworski - Head of KASHUE;
  • Tomasz Chruszczow - Vicepresident of the Board, CO2 Forum of Sectoral Economical Organisation;
  • dr Andrzej Kassenberg - President of the Board, Institute for Ecodevelopment;
  • Pawel Urbanski - acting as President of the Board, Polish Energy Group S.A.;
  • Jacek Brandt - Vicepresident of the Board, Polish Power Exchange S.A;
  • Janusz Moroz - Member of the Board for Trade, RWE Stoen S.A.

The Debate will be conducted by Professor Krzysztof Zmijewski - Chairman of the Polish Independent Energy Consultancy Board. The meeting will have a shape of a discussion based on short presentations of the guests invited.