On February 25th, 2016 in Polska Agencja Prasowa (Polish Press Agency) in Warsaw took place a debate entitled: "Assumptions for amending the ETS directive – can the packeting of discussions on the ETS and non-ETS sectors be an effective method of optimizing the Polish path to CO2 emission reduction
18th December 2015 in the Ministry of Energy in Warsaw took place the 11th International Conference POWER RING 2015 „Prospects of Poland’s economic development in the light of European requirements”.
The opening speech of the conference was held by:
Workshop entitled „Local balancing - implementation possibilities in Poland”
19.11.2015, Warsaw
Registration for the participation in the workshop : HERE
Invitation to the debate
„The Polish concept of low-emission economy”
16 October 2015, 11:00-14:00 hrs
Room ABC, the Ministry of Economy,
pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5, Warsaw
Registration for the free participation in the conference : HERE
Invitation to the debate:
„Prospects for increasing energy comfort of consumers”
18 September 2015, 11:00-14:00 hrs
Registration for the free participation in the conference : HERE
On 26th of June 2015 at the Ministry of Economy took place 11th international conference NEUF 2015 entitled „Transformation of the Polish economy through the energy and industry sectors – efficiency, productivity and social dialogue”
Cooperation: Public Board for Sustainable Development of the Energy Sector in Poland
„Prospects for energy markets vs. the energy union”
20 May 2015, 11:00-14:00 hrs
Polityka weekly magazine’s head office, ul. Słupecka 6, Warsaw
A careful observer may notice a dichotomy that has recently occurred in the energy market. One of the market’s branches is developing in the direction of the European integration, and even towards the global dimension. At the same time, however, there is an extensive development of the other branch which covers local energy generation by municipalities, citizens and prosumers. The national-level sector can no longer be perceived as an isolated and hierarchical system, as its such picture is already outdated.
Biocoal – Polish low emission fuel
27 January 2015, 11:00-14:00 hrs
Venue: Conference Hall no. 49/51, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,
ul. Wspólna 30, Warsaw
Please register for the event HERE
In view of the current direction of the EU climate policy, the role of coal in Poland’s National Power System may change. Poland as an EU member state is a participant of the Community market of carbon dioxide emission allowances EU ETS (CO2) and has to meet its climate policy targets in the non-ETS area. This requires us to more effectively manage our natural resources (coal) and to develop the low-emission energy sector (renewable energy sources and cogeneration).
"RES and cogeneration: support models in the light of the European Commission recommendations"
25 November 2014, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,
ul. Wspólna 30,Warsaw,
11.00 – 13.30 hrs
„Capacity market for the National Power System”
14 November 2014 (Friday), 11.00 hrs
Live broadcast on the portals: Bankier.pl, proinwestycje.pl, etastowarzyszenie.pl.