XII International Conference New Energy User Friendly 2016
Warsaw, 8 July 2016
Patronage: Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment, Sobieski Instytute, Polish Banks Assosiation
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Date: 08.07.2016. Opening of the conference: 9h00
Place: Ministry of Energy, Warsaw
We are pleased to inform that the conference will be opened by Mr. Krzysztof Tchórzewski, Minister of Energy of Poland.
For many years, Poland has been having the most polluted air in the whole EU. The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a report on air pollution in cities. According to the document, Poland is on the 20th place on the list of most polluted countries. As many as six Polish cities are listed among top ten European cities with the largest annual numbers of days on which daily PM10 limits are exceeded. The pollutants come mainly from old power plants and car engines. Another significant problem is the so-called low-stack emission i.e. pollutants coming from domestic heating stoves and local boiler plants characterized by low efficiency of the combustion process. The WHO has estimated that each year more than 2 million people die due to the inhalation of harmful particles present in the polluted air.
To stop this negative phenomenon and prevent its terrible consequences, action should be taken already today.
In view of the measures taken across the world with the aim to improve the quality of the environment, the transforming Polish economy is facing a great challenge of increasing its energy efficiency and modernizing production processes while maintaining economic stability and energy security. Despite the media-supported tendency to abandon the use of fossil fuels and switch to alternative energy sources, the pro-environmental policy does not have to be understood solely as the total abandonment of coal. For Poland, this is particularly important in the context of the aforementioned energy security.
Achieving compliance with the limits applicable to the harmful particles requires measures implemented both at the EU level and the local level. The European Commission has committed the Polish government to take action to reduce air pollution. If the government does not do anything to fight smog, it will have to pay a penalty of 4 billion PLN. The European Union does not impose any specific technologies to be used in the process of transformation to a low-emission economy. Each Member State may independently decide whether it wants to continue its development based on coal, gas, renewables or nuclear power. How should Poland’s National Investment Plan be drawn up, and what investments should be made in the first place? How to achieve the approval of our plans by the EC?
At the NEUF conference, the participants will discuss the issues of local and national energy security, the programme of developing low-emission economy in Poland based on the country’s resources and technological potential, and examples of Polish technology implementation.
The event will consist of three sessions attended by high-level Polish and foreign guests. Each session will have the form of a panel discussion with the participation of leading representatives of the business community, opinion-building institutions and members of the Parliament. The event will be broadcast live on the Internet, e.g. on the websites of Procesy Inwestycyjne, the ETA Association for Efficiency, and several other business portals.
Further information on the event is available from Ms Agnieszka Ferreira (Project Manager, Procesy Inwestycyjne), e-mail: komunikacja@proinwestycje.pl, tel. 22 671 14 80.
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